Senin, 23 November 2009

Memisahkan Folder Message Desktop (BES)

Berikut panduan untuk memisahkan inbox icon BES dihandset BlackBerry :

How to create a separate icon on the BlackBerry smartphone for only BlackBerry Enterprise Server messages

Referensi :

1. Extract the files in the attached file to a temporary folder on the local computer.

2. From a command prompt, change the current directory to the temporary folder from Step 1.

3. Turn on or turn off the feature.

To turn on this feature:

Type the following command using the EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql input file:

For Local Database: bbdbupdate -db -input EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql

For Remote Database or Local Database with a named Instance:

bbdbupdate �n <Host name of SQLserver\instance name (if applicable)> -db -input EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql

To turn off this feature:

Type the following command using the DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql input file:

For Local Database: bbdbupdate -db -input DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql

For Remote Database or Local Database with a named Instance:

bbdbupdate �n <Host name of SQLserver\instance name (if applicable)> -db -input DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql

Note: Replace with the name of the BlackBerry Configuration Database. The default name is BESMgmt.

4. Run the BBDBUpdate.exe tool and review the screen output for any errors.

Once the database script is applied to the database, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server must send updated service book data to each BlackBerry smartphone. Once the service book data is received on the BlackBerry smartphone, the changes are visible on the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone. If this feature is turned on, a new message list application icon with the name typed in the Message service display name field appears. If this feature is turned off, the icon disappears from the Home screen once the update is applied to the BlackBerry smartphone.

Backup Database BES Server

Berikut panduan backup dan restore database di BES Server :

Referensi :

How to move the BlackBerry Configuration Database to a new Microsoft SQL Server instance


The BlackBerry Enterprise Server services must be stopped during the process described in this article.

Important: Restarting certain BlackBerry Enterprise Server services will delay email message delivery to BlackBerry smartphones. For more information, see KB04789.

To move the BlackBerry Configuration Database to a new Microsoft SQL Server instance, complete the following tasks:

Note: In a Microsoft Exchange environment, complete the tasks using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account unless otherwise stated.

  1. Back up the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
  2. Prepare the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  3. Restore the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
  4. Configure the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

Task 1 - Back up the BlackBerry Configuration Database

To back up the BlackBerry Configuration Database, complete the appropriate steps for the environment:

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005

  1. Open Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  2. Right-click the BlackBerry Configuration Database (for example, BESMgmt).
  3. Select Backup Database.
  4. Click Add to specify the Directory Name and File Name.
  5. Click OK to accept the settings.
  6. Click OK again to start the backup process.
  7. Close Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) when the process is complete.

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE)

  1. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: If logging in to a named instance of the Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command syntax to log in:

    osql -E -S \

  2. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> backup database to disk = "C:\.bak"

    2> go

    1> quit

  3. Close the command prompt.

Task 2 - Prepare the new Microsoft SQL Server

To prepare the Microsoft SQL Server, complete the following steps:

Step 1

Depending on the environment, assign the appropriate permissions.

Note: Complete this task using an account with administrator access to the new Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 requires the following server role permissions: System Administrator, Database Creator.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005

  1. Open Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  2. Go to Microsoft Server Group > <Microsoft_Server_name> > Security.
  3. Right-click Logins and select New Login.
  4. From the General tab, click the double quotation marks ( "" ) button.
  5. From the Global Address List, select the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account.
  6. Click Add, then click OK.
  7. On the Server Roles tab, select Server Administrators and Database Creators.

    Note: In BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.1, the System Administrator role is needed for role-based administration.

  8. Close Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).



  1. Log in to the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Right-click My Computer, and click Manage.
  3. Expand Local Users and Groups.
  4. Select Groups, and open the Administrators group.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Type the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account, and click Check Name.
  7. Click OK, and close the Computer Management window.

Step 2

Depending on the environment, turn on the correct server protocols.

MSDE or Microsoft SQL Server 2000

  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Type svrnetcn.
  3. Click OK. The Microsoft Server Network Configuration Utility opens.
  4. Make sure that TCP/IP and Named Pipes are both listed as protocols that have been turned on.
  5. Close the Microsoft Server Network Configuration Utility.
  6. If a protocol is turned on in step 2, restart the Microsoft SQL services.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express or Microsoft SQL Server 2005

  1. Click Start > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > Microsoft Server Configuration Manager > Microsoft Server 2005 Network Configuration.
  2. Select the Microsoft SQL Server instance that will be used for the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
  3. If necessary, turn on the TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols.
  4. If a protocol is turned on in the previous step, restart the Microsoft SQL Serverservices.

Step 3

Make sure that the Microsoft Server Agent service is running.

Note: This service does not exist in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express.

  1. Open the Windows� Control Panel, then open Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Verify that the Microsoft Server Agent service is started and that the Startup type is set to Automatic.
  3. Close the Services window.

Step 4

Update the BlackBerry Configuration Database schema.

Important: If the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software was installed to create a blank BlackBerry Configuration Database on a new Microsoft SQL Server instance, do not perform the following task because the schema has already been updated.

  1. Download the installation package for the version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server that is being used.
  2. Extract the contents of the installation package.
  3. Copy the Database folder to the new Microsoft SQL Server.

    Note: The default location of this folder is c:\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.x.x\Database.
  4. Go to the Database folder and open the BESMgmt.cfg file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
  5. Locate the DB_NAME=BESMgmt or (DATABASE_NAME=BESMgmt) line depending on the version of the upgrade and then make sure that the name specified matches the BlackBerry Configuration Database name.
  6. If using a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, change the SERVER=local line to SERVER=\ and close the file. Save the changes.
  7. From a command prompt, go to the Database directory.
  8. Type createdb.exe BESMgmt.cfg and press Enter.
  9. After the command has finished executing, close the command prompt.

Task 3 - Restore the BlackBerry Configuration Database

Depending on the environment, use one of the methods below to restore the BlackBerry Configuration Database. There are two methods available: restoring the BlackBerry Configuration Database from a backup, or detaching and re-attaching the BlackBerry Configuration Database files. The following are the steps for MSDE and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005.

Restore database method for MSDE

BlackBerry Configuration Database on a Microsoft SQL Server with the same directory structure

  1. Copy the BlackBerry Configuration Database backup to the C:\ path of the new Microsoft SQL Server.

  2. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: When logging in to a named instance of the Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command:

    osql -E -S \

  3. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> restore database from disk = "c:\.bak" with recovery, replace

    2> go

    1> quit

  4. Close the command prompt.

BlackBerry Configuration Database on a Microsoft SQL Server with a different directory structure

  1. Copy the BlackBerry Configuration Database backup to the C:\ path of the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: When logging in to a named instance of the Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command:

    osql -E -S \

  3. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> restore database from disk = "C:\.bak" with move "_data" to "<new_path>\MSSQL\Data\.mdf", move "_log" to "<new_path>\MSSQL\Data\.ldf"

    2> go

    1> quit

    Note: To determine the logical file names _data and _log for the BlackBerry Configuration Database, complete the following steps:

    1. On the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the BlackBerry Configuration Database, open a command prompt and type the following command:

      OSQL -E or OSQL -E -S <SQL_Server_name>\<instance_name>

    2. Type the following commands in the specified order, pressing Enter after each command:

      1> exec sp_helpdb <BlackBerry_Configuration_Database_Name>

      2> go

    3. The items circled in the following image are the two logical file names for the BlackBerry Configuration Database:

    4. Close the command prompt.

Restore database method for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005

  1. Open Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  2. Right-click the Databases (for example, BESMgmt).
  3. Select Restore Database.
  4. Click From Device and browse for the .bak file.
  5. Click OK to accept selection.
  6. Close Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) when the process is complete.

Detach and re-attach database method for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005

  1. Open the Control Panel, and open Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Stop each service that has a name that begins with BlackBerry.
  3. Log in to the existing Microsoft SQL Server.
  4. Open Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  5. Right-click the BlackBerry Configuration Database name.
  6. Select All Tasks, and click Detach Database (see screen shot below), or for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 select Tasks and click Detach.
  7. Close Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  8. Go to the Microsoft SQL Server Data directory and copy the MDF and LDF files.

    Note: The default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ and the default filenames are BESMgmt.mdf and BESMgmt.ldf.

  9. Move the file copies to the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  10. Log in to the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  11. Open Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
  12. Right-click the BlackBerry Configuration Database name.
  13. Select All Tasks, then click Detach Database, or for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 select Tasks and click Detach.
  14. Move the files that were copied in step 8 to the Microsoft SQL Server Data directory.
  15. When prompted to overwrite the files, click Yes.
  16. In Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005), right-click the Database folder, then click All Tasks.
  17. Select Attach Database or for Microsoft SQL 2005 right-click the Database folder and select Attach.
  18. Select the MDF file to attach, then click OK (see screen shot below).
  19. Close Enterprise Manager (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

Detach and re-attach database method for MSDE

  1. Open the Control Panel, and open Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Stop each service that has a name that begins with BlackBerry.
  3. Log in to the existing MSDE Server.
  4. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: When logging in to a named instance of the Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command:

    osql -E -S \

  5. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> exec sp_detach_db @dbname = ""

    2> go

    1> quit

  6. Go to the Microsoft SQL Server Data directory and copy the MDF and LDF files.

    Note: The default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ and the default filenames are BESMgmt.mdf and BESMgmt.ldf.

  7. Move the files that were copied in step 6 to the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  8. Log in to the new MSDE Server.
  9. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: When logging in to a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command:

    osql -E -S \

  10. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> exec sp_detach_db @dbname = ""

    2> go

    2> quit

  11. Move the files that were copied in step 6 to the Microsoft SQL Server Data directory. When prompted to overwrite the files, click Yes.
  12. From a command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter.

    Note: If logging in to a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, use the following command syntax to log in:

    osql -E -S \

  13. Type the following commands in the specified order:

    1> exec sp_attach_db @dbname = "",

    2> @filename1 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\.mdf",

    3> @filename2 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\.ldf"

    4> go

    1> quit

  14. Close the command prompt.

Task 4 - Configure the BlackBerry Enterprise Server

To configure the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to connect to the new BlackBerry Configuration Database, complete the following steps:

  1. On the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, click Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server > BlackBerry Server Configuration.
  2. On the Database Connectivity tab, select Change Database. (see screen shot below)
  3. In the Change Database Wizard, specify the new Microsoft SQL Server name and the existing BlackBerry Configuration Database name.
  4. Continue with the wizard. Make sure that the Start Services check box is selected, and click Finish.
  5. Open Administrative Tools > Services and make sure that all of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server services started successfully.

    Note: The BlackBerry Database Consistency Service might be unavailable; this is normal.

  6. Open BlackBerry Manager and make sure that the correct database is set up by completing the following:

    For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.0

    1. Right-click BlackBerry Manager, and select Properties.
    2. Select the Properties tab and verify that the Microsoft SQL Server information and BlackBerry Configuration Database name are correct.

    For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.1

    1. Go to Tools > Options > Database and verify that the Microsoft SQL Server information and BlackBerry Configuration Database name are correct.
    2. Verify that all of the BlackBerry smartphone user accounts appear on BlackBerry Manager.
  7. If there is a remote BlackBerry Manager, make sure to check the settings from step 6.
  8. Test email message flow from the BlackBerry smartphone.

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 4.1, install the database notification system

Note: This is only required in smaller environments running a maximum of 3 BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances.

  1. Copy the RimEsp.dll file to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn folder on the new Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. In Microsoft Query Analyzer, go to the Database\DBInstallScripts\SQLServer\4.1 folder on the installation media.
  3. Open the NotifyInstall.sql file and replace <_databasename> with the name of the BlackBerry Configuration Database. (see screen shot below)
  4. Run the script.
  5. Verify that the Microsoft Query Analyzer displays the following message:

    Function dbo.xp_RIM_xxxx registered.

For BlackBerry Enterprise Server software version 5.0

BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 does not have a change database option like previous versions. KB18129 explains the process for BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0.

Additional Information

When moving from an MSDE server instance to a full Microsoft SQL Server instance on a separate computer, see KB04039 for information on how to increase the mail agent limitation on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

If receiving an error that the BlackBerry Configuration Database is in use, complete the following steps:

  1. Remove all the BlackBerry smartphone user accounts from the BlackBerry Configuration Database by typing the following commands at a command prompt:
    OSQL -E

    1> use master

    2> alter database database_name set single_user with rollback immediate

    3> go

    1> use <database_name>

    2> go

    1> exit
  2. Detach the BlackBerry Configuration Database by typing the following commands at a command prompt:
    OSQL -E

    1> use master

    2> sp_detach_db @dbname = <database_name>

    3> go

    1> exit
  3. Attach the BlackBerry Configuration Database by typing the following commands at a command prompt:
    OSQL -E

    1> use master

    2> exec sp_attach_db @dbname = "<database_name>",

    3> @filename1 = "C:\<Path_to_database_file>\<database_name>.mdf",

    4> @filename2 = "C:\<Path_to_transaction_log_file>\<database_name>.ldf"

    5> go

    1> exit

    The default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ and the default filenames are BESMgmt.mdf and BESMgmt.ldf.

Senin, 14 September 2009

Backup Contact BBM

Mengingat pentingnya data contact BlackBerry Messenger, kita perlu lakukan backup secara rutin. Agar jika sewaktu-waktu device bermasalah, kita masih memiliki backup datanya.

Untuk backup contact bisa dilakukan dengan manual Backup melalui Dekstop Manager, namun ada satu tips praktis untuk membackup data BBM dan itu bisa dilakukan langsung dari device BlackBerry sendiri.

Berikut panduannya :

1. Buka aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger di BlackBerry

2. Tekan tombol menu, pilih Backup Contact List

3. Simpan data backup BBM tersebut, bisa dipilih lokasi penyimpanan apakah di Memory Card atau internal storage

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Enterprise Activation using Dekstop Manager

Sebenarnya ada 3 Step dalam Enterprise Activation (mendaftarkan device BB ke BES Server) antara lain :

1. Via Wireless --> IT BES men-set password EA. Kemudian user menginput password tersebut ke menu di device BB. Options --> Advanced Options --> Enterprise Activation. Masukkan alamat email + password yg di set oleh IT BES

2. Via Desktop Manager --> User menginstall aplikasi Desktop Manager for BES di PC dimana user menggunakan email client-nya (Outlook atau Notes)

3. Via Server BES langsung --> Device BB dicolokkan langsung ke BES Server

Berikut panduan untuk Enterprise Activatiion (EA) via Desktop Manager

A. install aplikasi Desktop Manager (DM) for BES

B. Buka aplikasi DM tersebut, kemudian pilih Email Settings

klik menu Advanced --> Encryption Key. pilih Generate Key manually

Klik Tombol Generate.

gerak-gerakan mouse hingga handset merespon New Generate Key dari Server BES.

Rabu, 29 April 2009

Error Description for BlackBerry

Berikut notifikasi Error dan penjelasan arti kode Error yg muncul saat handset BlackBerry Anda mengalami masalah (crash). Dan muncul notifikasi kode Error.

Code Error Description
101 Internal JVM error
102 Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in the handheld have been checked for modification and it has been determined that there is a problem with one or more .cod files.
103 The starting address for the boot .cod file cannot be found. This might mean that a boot .cod file has not been installed on the handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.
104 An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can be continued or the handheld can be attached to a debugger on a desktop through a serial or USB cable. The event log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.
105 An OS file system API returned an error status for a certain operation. This can indicate a corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.
106 An error has been detected in the graphics system of the handheld.
107 Internal JVM error.
108 Internal JVM error.
109 Internal JVM error.
110 Non-idle event downtime error. A problem has been detected in the accumulation of JVM down time that represents how long the JVM has been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS code or the JVM code.
200 Application manager threw an uncaught exception. The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and so cannot continue running.
201 Initialization of the cryptographic system failed and the handheld cannot continue to operate.
202 An attack on the key store has been detected, and the handheld cannot continue to operate.
203 The application manager console process, usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like due to an uncaught exception.
501 Internal error.
502 All processes exited. The last Java process has terminated, and there is nothing left to execute.
503 Internal error.
504 Internal error.
505 Internal error.
506 An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only live thread in the system. The event log contains the traceback for the exception.
507 A dependency on a .cod file could not be satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the missing .cod file onto the handheld.
508 Invalid object. A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM
516 Error occurred during garbage collection, which might indicate a corrupted file system.
510 All threads are waiting on objects, which results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state since no thread can release a lock.
511 A problem has occurred during debugging.
515 The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the VM because there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.
516 When committing a persistent object, the VM found that the persistent store id counter has reached its limit. The object was not committed
517 An inconsistency has been detected in the VM persistent object store.
518 Internal error.
519 Internal error.
520 Internal error.
521 Indicates that Object.wait() has been executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object; occurs only in simulator if the JvmDebugWaits application switch.
522 A thread has acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn't match the order that previous locks for the two types were acquired, which indicates a future potential deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is set.
523 A critical Java process has died and the device cannot continue to operate normally.
524 An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed during a garbage collection. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLMM application switch.
525 Bad persistent object. An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection has detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object has been output into the event log.
526 The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found.
527 The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found.
528 The file system is corrupted. Data on the handheld is unrecoverable.
529 The file system is corrupted. An attempt is going to be made to recover data, but some data might be lost.
530 Internal JVM error.
531 Flash memory has been exhausted.
532 A JVM assertion has been violated. This error can occur only in the simulator, not on an actual handheld

Sebagian case Error diatas bisa diatasi dg install ulang OS di BB dengan melakukan Wipe OS dahulu (Java_Loader). Kemudian install kembali fress OS ke BB melalui Desktop Manager.

Rabu, 22 April 2009

STORM as Modem di VISTA

Berikut panduan BlackBerry Storm (9500) di set sebagai modem pada Windows Vista

Pastikan Desktop Manager dalam keadaan Aktif dan BB 9500 terkoneksi melalui kabel data.

Klik menu Start --> Control Panel. pilih menu Phone and Modem options

Klik tombol Change Settings

pilih tab menu Diagnostics, kemudian klik tombol Query Modem . Pastikan muncul hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah.

Klik tab Advanced. isikan parameter seperti gambar, klik Ok

Pada menu Windows, masuk ke pilihan Control Panel --> Network and Sharing Center
kemudian pilih menu Setup a connection or network

pilih Connect to the Internet, kemudian klik Next

Pilih Create New Connection

Pilih Connect using dial-up modem

pilih Standard Modem

buat profile modem. contoh seperti gambar dibawah

untuk user name dan password = 'kosong'. kemudian klik Connect

Untuk Speed tergantung koneksi dan kapastitas di network area tersebut.

Karena BlackBerry hanya memiliki driver Standard Modem untuk Windows maka kecepatannya secara general adalah 115,2 Kbps

Rabu, 15 April 2009

JL_CMDER atau Java Loader

Berfungsi untuk me-wipe OS atau me-reset factory device handset BB

Aplikasi bisa didownload di :

1. Jalankan aplikasi JL_Cmder-nya, pastikan BB dicolok dan dalam keadaan tanpa SIM Card dan memory card

2. Jika BB-nya ada password device maka pilih Yes dan ketikkan password device. Namun jika tidak, silahkan pilih No untuk lanjut.

3. Pilih menu (4) Wipe --> untuk Wipe OS atau pilih menu (5) reset of factory

4. Muncul notifikasi, pilih Yes untuk melanjutkan

5. Proses Wipe

6. Di handset akan muncul seperti dibawah ini. Artinya sekarang handset tanpa OS

Untuk meng-install OS, bisa melalui Dekstop Manager. Pilih Application Loader.

Atau coba cara berikut :

Buka Command Prompt di Windows, ketikkan directory seperti dibawah


Selanjutkan akan melakukan install OS ke device melalui Desktop Manager

Jumat, 03 April 2009

Desktop Manager for BES user

Berikut panduan installasi Dekstop Manager untuk user BES

1. Contoh installer Desktop Manager v4.7
Bisa di download di :









